Python 3, UTF-8 and Locale
Having some fun with Python 3 and locale configuration

Python 3, UTF-8 and Locale
This post will explore a problem that I had with Python 3 and UTF-8 strings that caught me by surprise and has the objective of helping other people to don’t be caught on the same trap.
It is not intended to be a rant against Python, but to be honest the problem and the behavior did not make me too happy about Python. Perhaps it was my failure in finding the proper documentation about it, but for people as stupid as I am it may help.
OK enough of teasing, it is clear that this post is about a problem, what exactly is the problem ?
Can’t print my string
Yeah, the problem is that stupid, I was not able to print a string. Of course every simple problem starts as something that seems pretty complicated and in this case it is not different. I was working with code that integrated a C++ binding and websockets.
The websocket part was responsible for doing speech to text (using Azure Bing Speech to Text service) and was developed using asyncio, it is heavily based (to not say copied =P) from here.
I was all happy getting results when then I got this wonderful surprise:
Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished coro=<SpeechClient.process_response() done, defined at /app/> exception=UnicodeEncodeError('ascii', 'X-RequestId:339e872cfcc64f6db6726fa1c7ba713c\r\nContent-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8\r\nPath:speech.hypothesis\r\n\r\n{"Text":"pre\xe7o","Offset":3900000,"Duration":6200000}', 130, 131, 'ordinal not
in range(128)')>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/", line 245, in process_response
response_dict = parse_body_json(response)
File "/app/", line 363, in parse_body_json
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xe7' in position 130: ordinal not in range(128)
I was working on the whole thing for some weeks already, I was almost done and now all of sudden I was all like: GODDAMMIT, STRING ENCODING PROBLEMS, MY LIFE IS OVER !! .
I worked for years with Python 2 and my experience with this is that string encoding problems have a great potential to make you waste a lot of good time (is the source code that is not utf-8 ? is the string contents ? both ? is it a string or a unicode object ?).
With Python 3 I had the impression that it was all utf-8 by default (also strings are no more just array of bytes, they are always unicode). With that I imagined that the print function would also assume a default of being utf-8.
Another important information is that this was happening inside a docker container using the ubuntu 18.04 image, the main reason for using containers was the fact that my code had a ton of dependencies including bindings to C++ (besides the obvious reason that if you are not using containers you are not cool).
So giving the dependencies and the environment there was a good chance that the problem could be pretty complex.
As I descended on a spiral of despair I had a moment of clarity, these rare moments of clarity comes with years of wasting time chasing ghosts, so at least this time I did the basic thing of testing a very simple code sample before ghostbusting all over the place:
Yeah that is the code of the test. I was COMPLETELY sure it would work but I would test it anyway.
As it is usual in my life, I was wrong (this happens a lot with the TDD practice of writing the test first and being sure that it will fail, sometimes it doesn’t =P).
Actually, thanks to Python I was half right =P. A quick test is my host worked, but the code itself was being run using docker container. So the next logic step was to try the very idiotic code inside the container (another life lesson, always run problematic code on an env as close as possible to where you are having problems), I got this:
>>> print("preço")
File "<stdin>", line 0
SyntaxError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 10: ordinal not in range(128)
At this point I was all like…
Once again wrong, but life goes on and I had a bug to fix.
To reproduce all code samples from now on just run:
docker run -ti ubuntu:18.04
Once inside the container run:
apt-get update && apt-get install python3
The good news is that now I have the simplest code to reproduce a problem ever know to humankind, the bad news is that this is so very basic that I got a little confused with what was going on, specially because on my host (and in every other hosts that I have worked with) this always worked for Python 3, I was like:
I started stack-overflowing around and found some useful hints, but almost all the problems that I found where related to the source code not being utf-8 or Python 2 (neither my case).
In one of the comments I found this snippet:
import sys
OK, lets try it inside the container:
root@1124aa23a637:/# python3
Python 3.6.5 (default, Apr 1 2018, 05:46:30)
[GCC 7.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> print(sys.getdefaultencoding())
>>> print("preço")
File "<stdin>", line 0
SyntaxError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 10: ordinal not in range(128)
Again I was pretty sure that the default encoding would be ascii, but it is not, so besides the intuitive option of checking the DEFAULT ENCODING OF THE SYSTEM there was something else changing the behavior of the system.
Other comments on stack overflow mentioned some problems with lack of locale configuration, it was the next candidate.
Lets checkout the locale configuration:
>>> import locale
>>> print(locale.getlocale())
(None, None)
Hmm, lets review the consistency of the behavior being shown:
- The default encoding for source code is utf-8
- The sys default encoding is also utf-8
- The default locale is None
- The function print uses ascii =D
Yeah, even if this was well documented (perhaps I just missed something obvious on the docs) it does not seems consistent at all.
I would guess that this is probably consistent with something else, which generates a theoretic consistency that makes someone happy about it but in practice sux, or it is just a trade-off and I’m on the end that pays for it not the one that gains from it.
So now I can test this hypothesis by running inside the container:
apt-get install locales
And then:
root@1124aa23a637:/# locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
Generating locales (this might take a while)...
en_US.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.
root@1124aa23a637:/# export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
root@1124aa23a637:/# export LANGUAGE=en_US:en
root@1124aa23a637:/# export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
root@1124aa23a637:/# export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
root@1124aa23a637:/# export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
root@1124aa23a637:/# python3
Python 3.6.5 (default, Apr 1 2018, 05:46:30)
[GCC 7.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import locale
>>> print(locale.getlocale())
('en_US', 'UTF-8')
>>> print("preço")
Success, it was indeed the lack of locale configuration with the default choice of using ascii. Now that I knew exactly what was going on it was easier to find some discussion about it, like this one.
The issue mentions the sys.getfilesystemencoding() which seems to be the one that would actually show ascii, lets take a look with a fresh container:
root@025b95a197f9:/# python3
Python 3.6.5 (default, Apr 1 2018, 05:46:30)
[GCC 7.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> print(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
And now everything makes sense, well at least the why print was trying to decode as an ascii string instead of utf-8, but the decision to use ascii as a default still puzzles me.
Anything that comes from the operational system that is ascii would work perfectly fine with utf-8 since they are compatible. One sort of problem is allowing a filename that is utf-8 but the operational system doesn’t support it, but then I fail to understand how this is related to print itself, print is writing to os.stdout, why should I be constrained on what I can write in files ? Having problems with system calls like open would make sense, limiting what I can write in a file or which encoding I must use to do it does not.
The best that I can imagine is that if the encoding is unknown perhaps the terminal would not support utf-8, hence print defaults to ascii. But if the terminal gets something that it does not recognize it can just do what terminals do today when they can’t recognize characters, and it does not seem to relate to operational system like other issues mentioned:
If the OS uses ISO-8859-1, forcing Python (filesystem) encoding to
UTF-8 would produce invalid filenames, display mojibake and more
generally produce data incompatible with other applicatons (who rely
on the C locale, and so the ASCII encoding).
> - there may be other cases where ASCII actually *is* the filesystem encoding (in which case they're going to have trouble anyway), or the real filesystem encoding is something other than UTF-8
As I wrote before, os.getfilesystemencoding() is *not* the filesystem
encoding. It's the "OS" encoding used to decode any kind of data
coming for the OS and used to encode back Python data to the OS. Just
some examples:
- DNS hostnames
- Environment variables
- Command line arguments
- Filenames
- user/group entries in the grp/pwd modules
- almost all functions of the os module, they return various type of
information (ttyname, ctermid, current working directory, login, ...)
AFAIK the operational system does not expect anything in particular from any process stdout, and if I pipe two process the contract is just between them (any encoding can be piped), hence the only option is that displaying mojibake would be terrible.
It is like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. If print defaults to utf-8 it would be inconsistent with other operational systems related functions.
But by being ascii by default it is inconsistent with the rest of Python 3 that assumes utf-8 as the default encoding for source code (it is the default encoding of the str constructor too).
But I’m pretty far from being an expert on the subject, actually this was the first time that I had a problem like that. For example, reading this it seems that Glib goes with utf-8 as default while QT uses the locale.
I have been working for a few years with Go too, so I got curious on how Go handled printing, from the docs:
%s the uninterpreted bytes of the string or slice
Just to be sure lets ask to the only source of truth =) (in this case the file fmt/print.go on the standard library).
First the Println function is just a small indirection to Fprintln writing to os.Stdout, and Fprintln looks like this:
func Fprintln(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
p := newPrinter()
n, err = w.Write(p.buf)
The p.buf is an array of bytes, so far so good, but what about p.doPrintln ? Digging on it I was able to find this:
// Some types can be done without reflection.
switch f := arg.(type) {
case string:
p.fmtString(f, verb)
case []byte:
p.fmtBytes(f, verb, "[]byte")
case reflect.Value:
// Handle extractable values with special methods
// since printValue does not handle them at depth 0.
if f.IsValid() && f.CanInterface() {
p.arg = f.Interface()
if p.handleMethods(verb) {
p.printValue(f, verb, 0)
// If the type is not simple, it might have methods.
if !p.handleMethods(verb) {
// Need to use reflection, since the type had no
// interface methods that could be used for formatting.
p.printValue(reflect.ValueOf(f), verb, 0)
And p.fmtString/p.fmtBytes will lead to:
// Use simple []byte instead of bytes.Buffer to avoid large dependency.
type buffer []byte
func (b *buffer) Write(p []byte) {
*b = append(*b, p...)
func (b *buffer) WriteString(s string) {
*b = append(*b, s...)
func (b *buffer) WriteByte(c byte) {
*b = append(*b, c)
Indeed strings are handled exactly the same way as byte arrays. At least if printed without width parameters and other modifiers on the format description, a simple “%v” or “%s” or a fmt.Println will end up on the method above.
Which makes sense to me since I’m just writing to a file (stdout) and the contents can be anything and are subject to interpretation by the process reading the stdout (not the operational system).
For example, I could have two processes with a pipe between them:
a | b
Where both establishes a contract of a text based procotol using utf-8 as encoding independent from any environment. A standard library print not getting on my way of developing something like this seems like a good design choice.
If you want to have interoperability with other tools that uses locale, you can code it, but the standard implementation does not impose anything by default. Of course there are other problems involving OS encoding, but for print I’m happier with Go’s choice (at least for now, perhaps there are more trade-offs to understand in the future).
Anyway I hope this post helps other people that go through a similar problem when using Python 3 in an environment without locale configuration (which is the default ubuntu 18.04 image).
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